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My value transfer in 6 steps

Are your thinking of transferring your pension to ING CDC Pensioenfonds? Check out the 6 steps overview now.

If you work at ING, you can transfer your pension between your previous pension fund and ING CDC Pensioenfonds. Whether or not it makes sense depends on your preferences. Do you want to keep your pension straightforward? Would you e.g. rather spread the risks?

Decide what’s best for you
The pension comparison tool helps you to decide what’s best for you. Consider when you make your decision:

  • The type of pension plan provided by your former employer.
  • The method used by your former employer for increasing your pension.
  • The financial position of your former pension fund or insurer.
  • Options available under your former’s employer’s pension plan.

The first step: submit a request

Use the form value transfer or submit your request online via My Pension. When you have confirmed that you approve the proposed value, your pension will be transferred.

For a handy overview of the 6 steps to settle a value transfer, please click here.
