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Your special

You can learn about your pension in small chunks

Does this sound familiar? The children are downstairs while you're at work upstairs. There's no quiet space anywhere in the house, so you're using the baby’s changing table, with your laptop on the changing pad and your baby's toys surrounding you. Elephants and giraffes – you know that travelling to far corners of the world will have to wait for a while. The children will first have to grow a bit older. Later… 

Later: that's what this Special is about. In terms of your pension, that is. That's even further down the line than your travel plans. It might take as long as 40 years before you retire – longer than you’ve lived at this point. Hopefully you sometimes think ‘I should look into my pension.’ If you want to save for later, you might think you should be starting now. On the other hand, you might want to move to a larger house, which means all of your savings would be spent by the end of the year.

You don’t need to know all the details
You might feel your pension is in good hands because you have a good employer. Of course, that confidence is nice. Besides, your daily life is simply taking all your energy and you want to spend your money now and then. Not necessarily on expensive clothes or other luxuries, but on something lovely and important, like a new house – which is also a good investment, of course, and it means you're working towards the future. You don’t need to know the exact terms of your pension plan to do that.

Stories instead of plain explanations
Many people see their pension as a remote topic which doesn’t interest them until they're close to retirement, but by then it could be too late. That's why the pension fund tries to make it as easy as possible for you. By working with characters you can relate to, for example, and using stories instead of giving plain explanations. When you're young, it can be hard to relate to a story about someone who’s 58, but a topic like surviving dependants’ pension is relevant to everyone. 

Your personal file
That's why we make our pension communications as personal as possible. We’ll continue to do that, particularly now that everything is set to change. The new national pension agreement, for example, which is currently in all the newspapers. We’re happy to guide you with information that's relevant to you. In a way, you’re getting a personal file, with topics that apply to you. 

Small chunks
You don't need to study all the details of your pension. You can look into elements of it. We provide the information in small chunks nowadays. That makes it easier and more interesting, so you can learn about your pension as you go through major steps in your life. Like when you buy a house and need to sort out your finances. And when you have a baby and need to balance the cost of daycare with the number of hours you’ll want to work. Your pension probably isn’t the first thing on your mind when you're starting a family, and surviving dependants’ pension doesn’t exactly trigger you into action. But you do want to take good care of your family – even if things go wrong somewhere down the line. In fact, in a good relationship, you need to make arrangements just in case you get divorced. But who thinks of that in advance..
