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Workshops in 2020

In 2019, ING CDC Pensioenfonds and Pensioenfonds ING jointly organised a series of workshops for employees of ING. A lot of people signed up. The funds are aiming to continue a new series in 2020, when the pension funds have finished their new Pension Planners. What are the pension funds offering until then?

In 2020, new conditions will apply to your pension, so we're setting up a new Pension Planner.

Workshops before the summer
This spring, ING CDC Pensioenfonds will be offering two sessions of the workshop ‘Insight into your pension for employees over 50’. In addition to information on the CDC pension plan, Dutch state pension (AOW) and events that have an impact on your pension, we will visit the the government's website to check your pension amounts. You’ll also learn how to use the Pension Planner, which gives you insight into the financial impact of the pension options available to you. The Pension Planner has not yet been adjusted in line with ING’s pension regulations for 2020, so the amounts are only an estimate at this point. If you need a quote with accurate amounts, please contact the Pension Desk.

You can sign up for the workshops via ING Learning Center.

Workshops after the summer
ING CDC Pensioenfonds and Pensioenfonds ING will each present their own new Pension Planner, after which they will decide how to continue the workshops. Both funds will inform you about these workshops in due course. You can sign up via ING Learning Center.

Events for young employees
In 2020, ING CDC Pensioenfonds will once again organise the event ‘The future of you’ for young employees who recently joined the company. The fund will send them an invitation to take part in the event.

The pension funds will also take part in this year’s 3-day event ‘Pensioen3daagse’ on 3, 4 and 5 November.

Stay up to date
We will keep you up to date through newsletters from the pension funds and ING's HR newsletters. 
