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Make the most of your pension

Your life is dynamic and you want to find a good work/life balance – a balance between being care-free now and making plans for later in life. You like being able to make your own plans, including when it comes to your future pension benefits. ING CDC Pensioenfonds helps you take control, no matter what phase of life you’re in.

At the end of the day, we all want the same thing: achieve our dreams and ambitions without having to worry too much about how we’ll pay for it all. It's up to you to make arrangements, but we can help you by giving you insight into your pension.

Find out how much pension you’ll get
The Pension Planner will show you whether your pension is on track to ensuring you’ll be able to live comfortably when you’re retired. Even if the future seems far away because you're only in your thirties, you can take action now to improve your prospects for later in life. If your retirement is approaching because you're in your fifties, the Pension Planner will help you optimise your pension by showing you different combinations of your personal pension options.

Optimise your pension
What are your dreams for later in life? Would you like to retire early? How do your ambitions tie in with your home and family situation? Bear these things in mind when you login to the Pension Planner to make a summary of your future income and expenses. The Planner will show you how you could optimise your pension by adjusting your expenditures, setting aside savings or investing your money through different channels (ING CDC Pensioenfonds doesn’t offer these options). You can also use the Planner to calculate the consequences of early retirement, variable pension payments and/or conversion of your partner pension into extra old-age pension (or vice versa).

Annual pension check
Make sure you save all your findings after your first visit to the Pension Planner to save time at your next visit to the Planner. If you’re younger than 40, you should check your pension once a year to find out more about your financial situation and make the most of your pension. If you're over 50, you can also attend one of the workshops organised by ING CDC Pensioenfonds and Pensioenfonds. For dates, keep an eye on the HR newsletter and messages posted by the pension funds, and sign up via ING Learning Center (ILC).
