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Tax allowance and other info in your UPO

You'll find your UPO for 2019 in your ‘My Pension’ account - use your DigiD to login. The UPO provides a wide range of information, including details of your pension plan in ING CDC Pensioenfonds, amounts of benefits, the pension fund's financial situation and what you can do to take action regarding your pension.

Combine UPOs
If you have any pension accruals in other pension funds, they will send you a UPO as well. To get an overall picture, just combine all of your UPOs.

Factor A
Your ‘factor A’ (annual accrual) is specified in your UPO. This factor is the amount of old age pension you've built up in the respective calendar year. If you received multiple UPOs, you must add the ‘factor A’ amounts specified in all of your UPOs. Then, calculate your tax allowance using the calculation tool for annuities provided by the Dutch tax authorities at

UPO 2019
The UPO shows your situation at a certain point in time. Your UPO 2019 is based on your situation as at 31 December 2018. For current amounts, go to 'Mijn Pensioenoverzicht' provided by the Dutch government or to the Pension Planner provided by your pension fund. The Pension Planner can show you whether your pension is on track and how certain pension options would work out for you.

More information
Go to the ING CDC Pensioenfonds website for a list of frequently asked questions about your UPO. An English version is available there as well. If you have any questions regarding your UPO, feel free to contact the Pension Desk.

