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Plenty of activities at the 3-day event ‘Pension3Days’

A one-on-one chat, a Pension Planner workshop or a lunch event for young employees. At the 2018 Pension3Days event (6 - 8 November), ING’s employees delved into their pension during office hours.

During the 2018 Pension3Days in Amsterdam, ING, ING CDC Pensioenfonds and Pensioenfonds ING organised all sorts of activities to give employees a better understanding of their pension.

One-on-one conversation
How much will your pension pay out in benefits when you retire? Or have events occurred in your life that will impact your pension? These and other questions were answered during personal conversations with employees.

Lunch event ‘The future of you’
Young employees below the age of 40 were able to sign up for the lunch event ‘The future of you’, at which our pension ambassador Santhuruu Nadesapillai gave a presentation on the world of pensions. Santhuruu explained how he had become interested in pension and its importance. Participants learned more about the opportunities and challenges they face on their budget (or future budget) to realise their dreams in life. What choices would they make and what role can pension play in this?

Workshop ‘Insight into your pension’
The workshop ‘Insight into your pension’ was set up for employees aged over 50. They were given an explanation of the pension they had built up through ING. They then practiced using the Pension Planner to gain insight into their personal pension situation and options. By the end of the workshop, the participants had found the answers to three main questions: How much will my pension benefits be? Will that be enough? What pension choices can I make?

The 2018 Pension3Days is an initiative of the Money Wise Platform. Participants in 2018 included the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM), the Dutch Association of Insurers (VVN), Adfiz, the Federation of Dutch Pension Funds (Pensioenfederatie), the Dutch central bank (De Nederlandsche Bank), pension funds and insurers, banks, educational institutions, pension advisers and many employers.
