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FAQ: Why am I building up partner pension even though I don't have a partner?

Whether or not you have a partner, if you’re an employee of ING, you build up partner pension in ING CDC Pensioenfonds. However, if you're still single when your retirement starts, your partner pension will be converted into extra old-age pension.

If you're employed by ING, your CDC pension plan will build up partner pension at 70% of your annual old-age pension accrual, regardless of whether or not you have a partner. This is because the pension fund is not allowed to make a distinction between people with or without a partner. 

Extra old-age pension
If you don’t have a partner when your retirement starts, your partner pension will not go unused. Instead, your partner pension will automatically be converted into extra old-age pension for you. And if you do have a partner, you have the option of converting your partner pension into extra old-age pension, provided your partner gives permission for this conversion.

Important note: if you have a live-in partner without having signed a registered partnership agreement, you must register your partner at the pension fund. 

Extra partner pension
You may also convert part of your old-age pension into extra pension for your partner. In that case, the partner pension will not be allowed to exceed 70% of your remaining old-age pension.

Partner pension if you pass away
If you pass away, the following applies under ING CDC Pensioenfonds:

  • You are a participant: your partner will get a pension equal to 70% of the old-age pension you built up until the day of your passing away, plus the old-age pension you could have built up from the date of your passing away until your retirement.
  • You are no longer employed or you are a pensioner: your partner will get a pension equal to 70% of the old-age pension you built up in the pension fund.

Important note: If you get married, enter into a registered partnership or move in with your partner after the starting date of your retirement, your partner will not be entitled to partner pension.

Amount of partner pension
Would you like to know how much pension your partner will get? Use your DigiD to login to My Pension and check your Uniform Pension Overview (UPO). Or read the UPO explanation on the website. The website and the Pension Planner also provide many details of the pension for your partner. In addition, the Pension Planner can give you an indication of how much additional old-age pension you’ll get if you convert your partner pension. 

More information
For more details, you can check out the pension regulations. Any other questions? Please contact the Pension Desk
